
border land


�� sign it an tale me what u tink


american buffalo



i dont care what thay say

or what thay think

we didnt do it

and we aint gonna be taken




portrait of billy the kid



thay sayd we killd an innocent man

shot him dead in the head

but we know the truth

he put the barrel in his own mouth

with his toes

wrapped round the triggr



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crossing the desert  to the border

foto by kat livengood


when folks start talkin like that

its too late

its already way too late

there minds are made up

thay think thay know the truth

and all thay want now

is a tall tree

to hang you from



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two dark birds

foto by kat livengood


but not everyone was against us

the dark birds were with us

that felt good


i warnd them to get off the powerline

but the wind was howlin

and thay didnt hear

my words of warning


and sure enough

thay were burnt to a crisp rite there on the spot

KFC (kentucky fried crows)

it was just us now and we were more desperate

than ever to find a place to hide



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foto by kat livengood


and then we saw a jack rabbit

jump into large hole in the ground

so we followed jack to an aweful terrorfying dark place

way below the surface

closer to the hot molten core

where no one could reach us




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foto by kat livengood


we thought we were safe

in our secret hide out

but dreamr was troubled

by monsters in her dreams

and i couldnt sleep

my eyes saw ghosts everywhere




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foto by kat livengood


it was cold, dark and damp

down there

bats hung on the ceilings

we couldnt find an escape

and there were black holes




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foto by kat livengood



we thought we had found a refuge

a safe place

but it looked

like hell down there

and we could see no way out

of this treacherous hole



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foto by kat livengood


but the next morning

we found a way out

and pulled outself out

of the belly of the whale

and took off for the border again



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we were never coming back

if thay wanted to hang us

thay would have to come get us




we tryd to blend in

but it didnt work

when your on the run

you cant stop for long

and before we knew it

we were heading back up the camino real

towards 4 corners

chasing the ghosts we knew already



billy the kids grave


the alley


the flea

























































©KellyMoore 2004 | Web Design: Kelly Moore